The world is emerging from a global pandemic that has disrupted organisations and businesses and challenged them to innovate at speed. People have been living their lives in a virtual fashion for a prolonged period - and while a pendulum swing back to ‘real world’ physical experiences is to be expected, the notion that people can work, find entertainment, shop and educate themselves remotely is now widely accepted.
This holds true in the world of health, well-being and patient care. The normalisation of telemedicine - the use of information and communication technologies to connect healthcare providers and patients– has accelerated. Across the US alone, nearly half of healthcare consumers are now using tele-health, according to consultancy firm McKinsey—up from one in 10 in 2019. Sindy to explores why XR excites the healthcare industry and why you should be using extended reality to bring virtual and real world elements together.
Our round table featured:
Dr Pier Mannucci
Associate Professor of Organisational Analytics at London Business School
Dr Charles Cavo
D.O. and co-Founder of Pounds Transformation
Nichol Bradford
As the force behind, Nichol has turned her work with video games into a mission to give tech a heart. For this conversation she has agreed to keep the discussion happy and fearless.
What did you learn from joining us?
How augmented, virtual and mixed reality VR and XR environments are a way to provide such XR spaces
Specific benefits including the ability to visualise data in an engaging and interactive way
How people absorb helpful advice and how they are now engaging with channels that empower them to discuss their issues in a meaningful way
Schedule a call with us below to discuss how XR can assist your business: