How the Metaverse is just another element of the Universe and all we need to do is LiDAR scan Physical Reality, including our bodies, and then decide what to call Biology in Virtual Reality.
I woke up from a dream where the Metaverse and the Universe were laughing at us; the notion that they were different or duplicative of our current, Physical Reality, was utterly absurd to them. The dream must have begun when NPR covered The Metaverse last weekend and I wasn’t impressed by the host’s grasp. Brooke Garfield is smart, curious and has a team of organized, talented people who work hard every week to turn On The Media into an informative podcast, no doubt. They have a particular expertise taking analog ideas and describing, best words can, how these new ideas are treated by the traditional media as they are translated to a digital world. This story missed the mark; so I began to wonder, is the Metaverse really that complicated a topic? If Travis Scott can bring 12 million avatars in to his alternative universe and make his fans feel like we attended a live concert during a pandemic international lockdown then the concept is certainly powerful.
But what are real world examples?
(pun intended)
The assumptions deep in the XR eco/digi/phyio/twitter spheres are that the Metaverse is completely understandable yet everyone I speak to every day selling our platform of SindyXR apps is unaware of this concurrent -verse. We have tried to explain in hundreds of different ways. If you have a smooth, clear, storytelling explanation of how XR for Enterprise Business could optimize the next decade of Spatial Computing, please join the conversation on our socials. I think it helps to begin this way: let’s see if I can state a few facts as I see them at this moment in history because they have acronyms that make sense to me.
There are currently a few things that are in finite boxes.
There are 3 Realities: Virtual (VR) + Augmented (AR) + Physical (FR) = Xtended (XR)
There are 16 Human Personalities &
there are definitely 9 Planets.
2. I also hope we can agree that there is a SPECTRUM when it comes to:
Sex &
The problem lies in the space between with all of the variables that are not obvious. How is my stress level expressed by my Avatar? How about my confidence? As our online time together becomes 90% of our waking hours, what do I want to make sure come with us from the pre-Y2K Age? Thankfully, herd immunity is marching us back towards being in FR together more, what qualities do we like? Hugging and shaking hands I really enjoy but being in chronic pain and sharing bathroom needs in close proximity to other humans I would like to avoid.
Should my avatar sweat at the same time I do?
and if this was possible, would it reduce the deep fake?
Kirby intake Meetup with Dr Cavo in our Oculus SindyVR Kitchen and you can see the 360degree video of the same MeetUp to compare and contrast the experience. Not boring.
SindyXR has two massive, awesome, beautiful, potentially groundbreaking and deeply profitable new clients. The first is a weight loss center in Hartford, Connecticut that began in 2013 with a few new GenX-esque ideas about how insulin is a hormone, your metabolism can go to rehab and they can tell from your blood everything they need to know to help you reshape your body. For our Founder, Charles Kirby, weight gain and loss have been a lifelong rollercoaster so to spend serious time with his endrochronologist has been traumatic.
The second client is an engineering firm in Washington, DC that has a huge vision of how digital CAD drawings can be synthesized with Google Earth using LiDAR Scanning. They have been led by a Boomer visionary who has hired a team of partners who see Xtended Reality in every project and they partnered with us to prove two concepts: can SindyCUBES contribute to the collab of rebuilding the tunnel under Amazon’s HQ2 and could a custodian at an award winning elementary school use Augmented Reality in conjunction with our Sindy’s mobile apps if they wanted to plant a tree and be sure to not bust a sewer pipe!
These strike me as serious challenges and they share deep GenX human examination of long standing problems using digital solutions. Every entrepreneur under 45 years old thinks they can solve EVERY PROBLEM KNOWN and unknown, with an app. But on some level we have to use every tool available to us and the assumption is that the more problems that technology creates, the more we should be able to solve. Team Sindy spent the last two months working with the doctors and the engineers to understand the problems they are trying to address. We are exploring all of the features we have DEVELOPed and now in the process of ALIGNment.
The connection between the two projects is the most mind blowing. We learned that these days, the engineers are documenting massive underground shopping malls using LiDAR and that the doctors are drawing blood in order to examine a unique panel of protein and hormone levels. They are both starting the process by scanning the inside of the structure.
Their next challenge comes with describing the analytics. Find themes, draw conclusions, watch for clash reports and prescribing what could be done next to achieve the Stated Goals for the Teams. We added in artificial intelligence in order to begin to see patterns among the players that the most seasoned among them could miss. We brought in gamification in order to guarantee agency and engagement among the patients and the city planners. We built in a chain in order to organize the data and keep secure exchange between each of the avatars.
Each wave represents a distinct range for the spectrum of intuition, resonance and optimism
The third most complicated dynamic is predicting the human’s behavior. The groundskeeper who wants to safely plant a tree or the family that wants to help their GenZ loved ones feel good about their future. Now we must practice, practice, practice and see if this triangulation of information can change the way teams work.
What is the solution? We are betting we can scan everything live and in color in real time. Autonomous cars will use 5G + LiDAR to know where the curb is along the side of the road so I would like the same for my office so we don’t bump into each other. And once we scan ourselves in every room, then we should be able to overlay the 3 realities on top of each other. Then if we go back to the basics of biology, add in the post Silicon Valley knowledge base of bits, all that is left to add is the backstory. The concept of a digital twin becomes a partner, not a reflection. Each of the Dynamics of the environment are built around each animate and inanimate shape. By offering all of the data to mingle in one vault, the predictions become obvious to those inside the information in a way that A.I. never can. At this point, you must bring intelligent intelligence.
OK enough of another not-so-successful attempt to explain what SindyXR is accomplishing.
>>> Last ditch effort >>> any chance that we could also agree that the ocean, the atmosphere and space are as etherial, esoteric and misunderstood as the metaverse?
Or could we agree that they are exactly the same???
Well, it is still a good place to start and I am certainly jaded from years of the traditional media trying to utilize words to explain concepts that are too layered but here is what kicked this off last week and I hope you got something out of these expansive thoughts about how we will proceed.
Anyone interested in building their own Digital Twin apply here but before you do, call our Founder Charles Kirby and discuss the fundamental difference between twins, digital or analog.
Sincerely wishing you a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow,
The morning of July 14, 2021 we are assembling a small roundtable conversation about XR Tech in Healthcare and how AR Games can deliver the medicine in a unique way. A recent White Paper from our partners at the Propeller Group titled REALITY UPGRADE TRANSFORMS MAINSTREAM HEALTHCARE will be discussed. If you are interested or know someone particularly struggling with treating the mental and physical aspects of pediatric obesity, body image and diabetes, please plan to join us.
JUNE 15, 2021