
Asking Price $121

3 cities · 24 spray cans · 8 individual 'murals'

As a critical extension of your creative life where some meetings are valuable and others are interminable, where some segments of time are enriched with ideas and other minutes seems like hours, CollabRjabbR allows each player to define their status in a moment-by-moment self-identification: as facilitator, follower or fan. But even these 3 distinctions are only expansive enough to define our role in the meeting; what about when we desperately need to get out. 

This is when our avatar desaturates and you escape the meeting.

Its a series of adventures intended for the opposite of collaboration: me time. This one turns the city in to your canvass as you bound from blank brick wall to subway car rail yard. It begins with you running through the burning alleys of the south Bronx of the 70's in a GET DOWN kinda way, and behind you clanking along is a milk crate full of spray paint cans. Your creative output is gorgeous, witty and immediately noticed by the media; you are ghetto fabulous. You return to the #IRL MeetUp with adrenaline, confidence and rejuvenated perspective on whatever they have been talking about in your absence and, yes, if you want your avatar to remain saturated so no one realizes you were gone, that's totally cool too; maybe time stopped for them while you were escaping...